Revolutionising Room Reservations: A Full-Stack Smart Booking System for School Inn

Project information

  • Project Date: 12/2021
  • Project URL: GitHub - Inn Project
  • Skills: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Database Management by MySQL and DataVisualisation

Back in my third year of university (2021), I embarked on an exciting solo project: building a full-fledged school inn website. It wasn't just about slapping together some pages – this project involved full-stack development, blending both front-end and back-end magic. Let me walk you through some of the cool features I built:

Database Design: Behind the scenes, the website runs on a sophisticated database with six unique tables, each serving a specific purpose like storing user info, managing room reservations, handling announcements, and outlining room types. It’s like the brain of the whole system!

User Interface Structure: The website has a clean, easy-to-navigate structure with essential components like the header, footer, home, band, and link pages. Before logging in, users get limited access to the site’s features – which keeps things neat and secure. Once logged in, they unlock full access!

Login, Logout, & Registration: A seamless user authentication system powers the website. With login, registration, and logout features in place, users can easily create and manage their accounts. Thanks to AJAX and regular expressions, the registration process ensures everything’s accurate, fast, and user-friendly.

Room Reservation System: Booking a room? Easy! Users can reserve rooms with just a few clicks. Admins have full control, viewing and managing all bookings, while regular users can only handle their own reservations. No confusion, no chaos!

Announcement System: To keep everyone in the loop, admins can create, update, and delete announcements. Regular users, on the other hand, can view them, ensuring everyone’s in the know about important updates.

Account Management: Need to update your details or change your password? No problem! Users can manage their personal information. Admins also get the power to add new admins, making the system even more flexible.

Graphical Reports: Admins get to see cool visual reports (thanks to e-charts) that highlight key data trends for the current month and year. It’s like having a personal dashboard for tracking everything at a glance!

All in all, this project is a perfect blend of design, functionality, and user-friendliness – all wrapped up in a neat little full-stack package!